Uniform Shop Location and Opening Times
The uniform shop is located in the office block and is open on Friday mornings from 8.30 am to 9.00 am.
Uniform Orders
There are two opportunities to order uniforms during the year. Our two major uniform orders are in Term 1 and Term 3. Orders can be made online via www.flexischools.com.au. Please ensure you select the 'Major Uniform Order' option in the Flexischools menu. Delivery will be approximately mid Term 2 and mid Term 4.
Unfortunately, the uniform shop does not have the space to hold enough stock for the entire school to cater for ad-hoc ordering throughout the year. It is also important that we order the stock in bulk, to keep the cost of the uniforms down. These are the reasons we have 2 major uniform orders a year. Please assist us with this process and try to limit your purchases to the major orders only. The uniform shop holds limited stock for trying on purposes, as well as to accommodate new families arriving throughout the year, and for emergency items.
The 'Major Uniform Order' option on Flexischools will be available 3 weeks prior to the order cut off dates. Notification of the dates will be in the schools’ fortnightly newsletter.
Payment must be made at the time of submitting the order. Payment options are:
VISA, Mastercard, Paypal and Bank Transfer. NOTE: Bank transfer requires additional time for the money to be transferred into the account, so please allow plenty of time before the cut-off dates.
The Uniform Shop is ‘cashless’. Any orders placed in person at the shop must be paid for using a VISA or Mastercard. (For the other payment options mentioned above, please order via Flexischools and make payment directly).
Emergency Uniform Orders
Emergency orders can be ordered online via Flexischools any time of the year. These orders are processed and delivered to classrooms on Friday each week.
Exchange Options
It is extremely important that you order carefully, as uniforms cannot be refunded. Uniforms will only be exchanged if they are in their original packaging with tags still attached and you present your receipt. If you are unsure of the size, please come to the shop to try the uniforms on. If it is impossible for you to come to the shop on Friday mornings due to work commitments etc please phone our uniform coordinator to arrange an alternate time.
To run successfully the uniform shop relies on its regular volunteers. We are very grateful for these volunteers who ensure the uniform shop is able to open each week.
A lot of schools have to outsource their uniform shops and we are very thankful that we don't need to do this. This means that all profits from the sale of uniforms go straight back into the school for resources for the children.
If you are interested in volunteering there are a number of different opportunities to do so, these include:
· Volunteering in the shop Friday mornings 8:30 am – 9:00 am (a couple of times a term)
· Packing of the major uniform orders (twice a year)
· Assisting with the Kindy Try-On days (a few days in October)
· Assisting with the yearly stocktake
· Ordering of uniforms with our suppliers
· Maintenance of the Flexischools website (adding photos, updating information)
· Uniform shop coordinator (coordinate all of the above)
For more details, or to volunteer in the uniform shop please contact our uniform coordinator.
Melanie Battishall Email- battishallm@gmail.com